
Product Details

Product Name Isobutanol
Generic Product Name Isobutanol
Company Name Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
Department Name OXO & JPLUS Coordination Gr., Derivatives 1 Dept., Business Div., Petrochemical & Coal
TEL +81-3-6748-7177
Product Information

Product Family (middle & small classification)

middle classification small classification
Specialty Chemicals Paints: Materials and Intermediates
Coating Agents: Materials and Intermediates
Adhesives: Materials and Intermediates
Plasticizers: Materials and Intermediates
Basic Chemicals Industrial Chemicals
Basic Petrochemicals
C4 Chemicals


Industrial chemicals
Isobutanol is used as a raw material for coating resins, Isobutyl acrylate, isobutyl acetate, isobutyl methacrylate, and paint thinners.
On the other hand, it is widely used as a solvent because many organic materials are soluble in it.